
On the following pages you will find a short history of the family Zuuring such as it mainly appears and appeared in Nijmegen (Netherlands). Furthermore is recorded the for the time being tree of the family.


We tried to make the information as complete as possible, but looking to the mountain of work still to do, it will stay always a pious wish.

A few handicaps made the investigation very difficult:

The different ways of writing the family name. The oldest way of writing is Suuring in 1623. Since the surnames until 1811 were written as the listener heard them, it is easy to understand that many differences appeared.

On a certain moment appeared even a branch, from which the surname was written as Zurich.

In the places Brummen, Zutphen and Arnhem we saw also a lot of Zuurings. Closer investigations learned that it was no family up to the 18th century.

If you also know that Zuurings from Arnhem went to Nijmegen and Zuurings from Nijmegen went to Arnhem, you understand that it was easy to get confused.


The following story is a recording of this moment. That means, it is still not complete or can have mistakes.


Of course I am happy to receive further information and/or corrections.


Hopefully the story gives you a interesting view of the 'Zuurings' in Nijmegen.


March 1998

H.J.M.J. Zuuring


The origin of the name

Ways of writing

Oldest information

The story